High quality feed mix for koiUnique featuresPOKO OSW MIX EF is a luxurious mix of three top feeds for koi. In this mix all the good elemens of ORANGE, SPIRULINA and WHEAT GERM are united.The unique combination has the following features:* High quality ingredients such as the best fishmeal and fishoil fatty acids;* Rich in essential ?-3 fatty acids;* Krill meal which makes the feed extra attractive for koi;* Astaxanthine and spirulina for vivid, bright and intense colouration;* Prebiotic and probiotics to support the intestinal flora;* Wheat germ for a good gut flow;* Organic acids for optimal digestion.Easily digestibleAltogether this feed is easily digestible which improves the intake of nutrients by your fish and prevents water pollution. Because this is a floating mix a good observation of the fish eating behavior is possible.
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