We often get the question: "we have newly hatched fish, which feed is best to feed"?Yong fish have specific nutritionel needs. Ground feed which is intended for adult koi is not suitable. It lacks specific additions to the growth of the Koi to stimulate the correct resistance to build.POKO has made an announcementpackage for the good start of young koi. It contains the following feeds:* Advance 0.2-0.3 mm* Vital 0.5-0.8 mm* Start Premium EX 1.0 mm* Premium Grower 2.0 mm* Spirulina /Orange EF 3.0 mmTip:If possible, feed small portions several times a day. This is to keep the water in the tub and the associated filter to overload. Change daily ±20% of the water it will certainly promote the growth of young koi. It is of great importance for the further development that the young koi can grow optimally in the first season.
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